Simulation and Similarity:Using Models to Understand the World, Michael Weisberg.

  • Models are indirect study of real-world systems, different from other forms of representation and analysis, interpreted structures
  • Three types of modelling: mathematical, computational, concrete
    • concrete are physical objects whose physical properties can potentially stand in representational relationships with real-world phenomena
    • mathematical are abstract structures whose properties can potentially stand in relations to mathematical representations of phenomena
      • can’t be assessed or measured directly, so what we learn comes from manipulating the equations that describe it
      • either set-theoretic predicates or sets of trajectories in state space
    • computational models are sets of procedures that can potentially stand in relation to computational description of the behavior of a system
  • Doesn’t take model organisms, verbal models, and idealized exemplars because they fit into above taxonomy
    • Is taxonomy sociological, ontological, or epistemic
  • Models not always veredical (do not always truthfully describe all aspects of their targets)
  • Feyerabend’s dictum: “Anything goes in science”
  • Agent-based model means that each individual is explicitly represented
  • Model descriptors are the words, equations, and pictures that describe a model
    • Giere said model descriptions were the set of statements that define a model
  • Construals provide interpretation for the model’s structure (assignment, scope, fidelity criteria)
    • two kinds of fidelity criteria: dynamic and representational
      • dynamic tells us how close the output of the model must be to the output of real world phenomenon
      • representational gives us standards for evaluating how well the structure of the model maps onto the target system of interest
  • Fictionalist accounts vs. Maths accounts
  • Idealization is the intentional introduction of distortion into scientific representations
  • Modelling as theorhetical practice